NumberSync – "Knight Rider"
kids – "werewolf"
"hello" – case study
the masters – "congrats"
The short answer is “advertising”, which is where my career kicked off. And though I became well versed in traditional advertising, I found myself looking for something different. I wanted to explore more interesting ways for brands to connect with people, which is about the time Instagram entered my life. I took to Instagram like… I don’t know… a teenager to a phone? Either way, I dove in head first and started to experiment. I very quickly saw the unlimited potential social has to offer, not just for individuals, but for brands as well. And through persistence, experimentation and willingness to fail, I found some success of my own on Instagram through a photo/video series I call ComboPhotos. I’m not a social media expert, but I continue to learn and understand that space by living it and experiencing it first hand.
Since leaving my full time Creative Director position, I’ve continued to work in the traditional ad space through various agency projects, though most of my time is spent obsessing over obtaining a deeper understanding of human behavior on social… and ultimately what causes a thumb to stop scrolling.
Below is a mix of brand work as well as some of my personal creations…